Posts tagged next chapter
262 Thriving in Midlife - How to Build a Wellness Investment Plan

Tired of the traditional aging narrative?  In this episode, Kathy shares stories and insights that redefine midlife.  She also shares practical strategies to invest in your wellness that pay dividends in vibrancy and fulfillment.

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261 What I Learned From 23 Rounds of ProLon

In this episode, Kathy shares her experiences completing the ProLon five day fast mimicking program 23 times and counting.

If you’re ProLon curious, listen for an overview of the program, its benefits, lessons learned and suggestions for your first ProLon fast.  Links to a free PDF download for a ProLon fasting journal and a ProLon discount code are also included.

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260 Preparing for Your Next Life Milestone – Advice I Wish I Had

If you’re feeling uncertain about your next life transition, today’s episode will provide some sage advice and actionable steps, including five things Kathy wished someone told her when she approached her latest life milestone.

Kathy shares the confusion she felt as her 60th birthday approached, how she reframed her perspective, and the advice that would have been helpful as she approached the milestone.  Kathy also shares three actions you can take when you approach your next life milestone, be it a personal or professional transition.

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259 Finding Your Center - An Approach to Well-being

Feeling overwhelmed by life's transitions?  In this episode, we explore practical strategies to help you stay grounded, resilient, and well during turbulent times. 

Assess your transition wellness toolkit and discover a simple practice to reduce stress, enhance your overall well-being and connect with your inner guidance.

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258 A New Chapter Begins (and a Big Giveaway!)

In this shortened episode, Kathy shares what’s on the horizon for Athena Wellness, including a video component to the podcast.

Kathy also announces a special giveaway for loyal listeners of the show.

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257 Coaching Conversations: Heart-Led Living, Part IX - Recap & Bonus

In this shortened Coaching Conversations episode, Kathy’s focusing on a question she’s often asked:  “You always talk about living from the heart.  What does that mean and how do I do it?”  This has inspired a multi-episode series. 

Today we’ll conclude this series with a talk that includes a recap of the last eight weeks, along with an exercise tailored to incorporate all the concepts we’ve covered in this series. If you’ve been looking for a simple practice to help you live from your heart, this is the episode for you!

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256 Coaching Conversations: Heart-Led Living, Part VIII - The Ripple Effect

In this shortened Coaching Conversations episode, Kathy’s focusing on a question she’s often asked:  “You always talk about living from the heart.  What does that mean and how do I do it?”  This has inspired a multi-episode series. 

Today’s talk is the eighth installment, which includes three ways to bring the energy generated from your contemplative practices out into the world, allowing your positivity to radiate outward in ever-expanding circles of influence. If you’ve been looking for a way to reclaim your own destiny and make positive change in your world, this is the episode for you!

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255 Coaching Conversations: Heart-Led Living, Part VII - Empowered Choices

In this shortened Coaching Conversations episode, Kathy’s focusing on a question she’s often asked:  “You always talk about living from the heart.  What does that mean and how do I do it?”  This has inspired a multi-episode series. 

Today’s talk is the seventh installment, which includes the empowered decision-making process, a way to connect with your deeper sense of self and move beyond obvious datasets and lists of pros and cons.  This framework will help you explore what’s beneath the surface, such as unseen options and unconventional paths that may bring deep fulfillment and alignment.

If you’ve been looking for a way to reclaim your own destiny and make positive change in your world, this is the episode for you!

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254 Coaching Conversations: Heart-Led Living, Part VI - Your Inner Jedi

In this shortened Coaching Conversations episode, Kathy’s focusing on a question she’s often asked:  “You always talk about living from the heart.  What does that mean and how do I do it?”  This has inspired a multi-episode series. 

Today’s talk is the sixth installment, which includes ways to harness the energy generated from your contemplative practice and how to best direct that power. If you’ve been looking for a way to reclaim your own destiny and make positive change in your world, this is the episode for you!

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253 Coaching Conversations: Heart-Led Living, Part V - Design Your Practice

In this shortened Coaching Conversations episode, Kathy’s focusing on a question she’s often asked:  “You always talk about living from the heart.  What does that mean and how do I do it?”  This has inspired a multi-episode series.  Today’s talk is the fifth installment, which includes ways to design a stillness practice that’s tailored to your needs and life. 

Kathy invites you to assess your needs, choose an engaging activity, create your routine, and ensure the practice grows with you.  If you’ve been looking for a way to reclaim your own destiny and make positive change in your world, this is the episode for you!

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252 Coaching Conversations: Heart-Led Living, Part IV - Daily Connection

In this shortened Coaching Conversations episode, Kathy’s focusing on a question she’s often asked:  “You always talk about living from the heart.  What does that mean and how do I do it?”  This has inspired a multi-episode series.  Today’s talk is the fourth installment, which includes ways to connect with your inner knowing on a daily basis by exploring a range of options and creating a practice that’s right for you.

Kathy then invites you to choose one practice, something you’ll enjoy, and engage with it each day until next week’s episode to create a space for yourself of unwavering support.  If you’ve been looking for a way to reclaim your own destiny and make positive change in your world, this is the episode for you!

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251 Coaching Conversations: Heart-Led Living, Part III - Cultivate Harmony

In this shortened Coaching Conversations episode, Kathy’s focusing on a question she’s often asked:  “You always talk about living from the heart.  What does that mean and how do I do it?”  This has inspired a multi-episode series.  Today’s talk is the third installment, which includes ways to help you cultivate a harmonious head to heart approach to your daily life, focusing on methods you can implement to encourage heart-led living.

Kathy then invites you to experiment with practicing how to locate emotion in your body as a way of connecting with your inner knowing.  If you’ve been looking for a way to reclaim your own destiny and make positive change in your world, this is the episode for you!

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250 Coaching Conversations: Heart-Led Living, Part II - Trust the Transition

In this shortened Coaching Conversations episode, Kathy’s focusing on a question she’s often asked:  “You always talk about living from the heart.  What does that mean and how do I do it?”  This has inspired a multi-episode series.  Today’s talk is the second installment, which includes ways to gently transition to heart-led living, how to experiment with this way of life and how to trust your heart.

Kathy then invites you to consider how you can begin to listen to your inner knowing and provides three suggestions so you can experiment and experience heart-led living.  If you’ve been looking for a way to reclaim your own destiny and make positive change in your world, this is the episode for you!

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249 Coaching Conversations: Heart-Led Living, Part I - Overview

In this shortened Coaching Conversations episode, Kathy’s focusing on a question she’s often asked:  “You always talk about living from the heart.  What does that mean and how do I do it?”  This has inspired a multi-episode series beginning with today’s talk, which includes an overview of what heart-based living is and what it means to live life from a left or right brain perspective.

Kathy then invites you to hold the possibility that this series is really about hope – that by instilling a heart-based approach, you’ll live with more agency and empowerment with the potential of broader change. If you’ve been looking for a way to reclaim your own destiny and make positive change in your world, this is the episode for you!

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248 Coaching Conversations: From a Full Life to a Fulfilling One

In this shortened Coaching Conversations episode, Kathy’s focusing on a midlife trend of moving from external recognition and rewards to internal validation, resulting in a happier life.  Kathy begins with the what’s driving the trend toward fulfillment.  Then she explores how to identify and work with your evolving values, including how to incorporate them into your work.

Kathy then invites you to try a coaching exercise to create an evolving values compass to move you from full to fulfillment.  If you’ve been looking for some inspiration to move past fear and take action toward your next life chapter, this is the episode for you!

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247 How to Leap Into Your Next Life Chapter, Part II

In this shortened Wellness Wednesday episode, Kathy’s sharing specific strategies you can implement inspired by the book Your Big Leap Year by Gay Hendricks.  This is a follow-up from last week when Kathy shared some thoughts on the premise and principles included in Hendricks’ related book, The Big Leap.  Kathy begins with an overview of the book, Your Big Leap Year.  Then as your takeaway, she shares some thoughts on how to use this model for your own life transitions.

Kathy then invites you to consider two questions to prepare for next week’s episode, where she’ll share some of the practices she’s using from Gay Hendricks’ new book, Your Big Leap Year.  If you’ve been looking for some inspiration to move past fear and take action toward your next chapter, this is the episode for you!

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246 How to Leap Into Your Next Life Chapter, Part I

In this shortened Wellness Wednesday episode, Kathy’s recalling an impactful book she read on the recommendation of a business coach she worked with years back.  The book is The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks. She shares the concepts that helped shape her next chapter when she was considering her post-corporate life and suggests strategies for you along the way.

Kathy then invites you to consider two questions to prepare for next week’s episode, where she’ll share some of the practices she’s using from Gay Hendricks’ new book,Your Big Leap Year. If you’ve been looking for some inspiration to move past fear and take action toward your next life chapter, this is the episode for you!

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245 Approaching Life as a Discovery Draft

In this shortened Wellness Wednesday episode, Kathy shares two lessons she recently learned while working with a developmental book coach on her latest Athena Wellness project.  While the concepts she shares relate to why writers don’t finish their projects, these ideas can be applied to wellness intentions as well as navigating life transitions.

Kathy then invites you to consider three suggestions to apply to one of your wellness intentions or a life transition.  If you’ve been looking for some inspiration to move past fear and take action with confidence, this is the episode for you!

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244 Unlock Your Next Life Chapter, Part IV – A Post-Corporate Journey

In this shortened Wellness Wednesday episode, Kathy’s shares some techniques she uses with clients and students to help them unlock their next chapter and navigate the unfamiliar terrain ahead.  We start with an example of how to use the hero’s journey framework to visualize your life in a new way, with a focus on learning and growth.  Reframing your life in this manner will help you discover everyday life adventures and help you feel your way forward.

Kathy then invites you to declare your call to action and consider three questions to take the next step.  If you’ve been looking for some inspiration to unlock your next life chapter, this is the episode for you!

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243 Unlock Your Next Life Chapter, Part III – Your Hero's Journey

In this shortened Wellness Wednesday episode, Kathy’s shares some techniques she uses with clients and students to help them unlock their next chapter and navigate the unfamiliar terrain ahead.  We start with an exploration of the hero’s journey, a common story format you can use to visualize your life in a new way, with a focus on learning and growth.  Reframing your life in this manner will help you discover everyday life adventures and help you feel your way forward.

Kathy then invites you to evaluate all that you’ve considered while listening to this series and identify a call to action that intrigues you. If you’ve been looking for some inspiration to unlock your next life chapter, this is the episode for you!

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