252 Coaching Conversations: Heart-Led Living, Part IV - Daily Connection

It’s Wednesday, time for time for a coaching conversation that addresses a student-inspired topic.

In this episode, Kathy’s focusing on a question she’s often asked:  “You always talk about living from the heart.  What does that mean and how do I do it?” 

This has inspired a multi-episode series. Today’s talk is the fourth installment, which includes ways to connect with your inner knowing on a daily basis by exploring a range of options and creating a practice that’s right for you.

Kathy then invites you to choose one practice, something you’ll enjoy, and engage with it each day until next week’s episode to create a space for yourself of unwavering support  If you’ve been looking for a way to reclaim your own destiny and make positive change in your world, this is the episode for you!

Invitation:  Longing for more than the corner office?  Download this brand new resource from Athena Wellness, a short guide titled, “Five Questions to Explore a Soulful Second Chapter.”  You can access the free download at athenawellness.com/reimagine.


Free Athena Wellness PDF:  Five Questions to Explore a Soulful Second Chapter

Kathy’s book:  The Athena Principles

Work with Kathy:  Coaching opportunities

Email Kathy:  hello@athenawellness.com

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