Posts in Athena Wellness Podcast
020 Wellness Wednesday: Healthy Food Prep 101

In this shortened Wellness Wednesday episode, Kathy shares practical advice for preparing nutritious food in advance so busy weeks are less stressful and more healthful.

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019 What Our Ancestors Can Teach Us About Healthy Eating

In this episode, Kathy continues the series of discussions on more traditional wellness topics, this time focusing on nutrition. Much of what Kathy has learned about a healthy lifestyle began in her grandmother's kitchen. She shares lessons learned from looking back to move forward with renewed energy.

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018 Wellness Wednesday: Are You Working Against Yourself?

In this shortened Wellness Wednesday episode, Kathy explores what can happen when we begin to implement healthy changes. In particular, the distance between where we are today and where we want to be. And embedded in the terrain between here and there is change. If the change we want to make begins to cause more discomfort than the pain experienced in our current situation, we may opt to stay trapped in a life situation that's not desirable. In other words, we begin to work against ourselves.

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017 How to Boost Vitality

In this episode, Kathy starts a series of discussions on more traditional wellness topics. The spark for these episodes is the seasonal shift toward longer, warmer days and harnessing the energetic momentum of Spring to boost vitality.

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016 Wellness Wednesday: Deepening the Conversation Through Journaling

In this shortened Wellness Wednesday episode, Kathy continues the discussion on journaling for well-being, sharing methods to deepen the conversation with ourselves and our lives.

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014 Wellness Wednesday: How to Handle Food Cravings

In this shortened Wellness Wednesday episode, Kathy continues the discussion on mindful eating from Episode Thirteen, focusing on food cravings - what causes them and how to mindfully address them.

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013 What is Mindful Eating and Why Should We Practice It?

Research has indicated that we can make more than 200 food decisions a day. Almost all of them are made unconsciously, which can lead to unhealthy food choices and overeating. But we can shift this by increasing our food awareness through mindfulness.

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012 Wellness Wednesday: A Self-Care Plan Example

Today is Wednesday, time for a little wellness boost - a shortened episode to keep your Warrior Vibe high.
In this episode, Kathy continues the discussion on self-care as self-love from Episode Eleven, sharing highlights from her wellness journey and recent changes to her wellness routine.

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011 The Gift of Self-Care

This episode is being released on Valentine’s Day, the perfect time to gift ourselves with the same love and thoughtfulness in the form of self-care. Here's how to create a self-care refueling plan.

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010 Wellness Wednesday: How to Create a Meaningful Practice

Today is Wednesday, time for a little wellness boost - a shortened episode to keep your Warrior Vibe high.
In this episode, Kathy explores how to create a meaningful practice. At its core, a practice is a method for showing up and connecting with yourself. You can think of your practice as an intentional way to bear witness to your life.

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009 Finding Meaning By Connecting The Dots

Today's show was inspired by several listener questions that had a similar theme, which was: "Can spending time doing what I love lead to living a meaningful life I love? Using a quote from Steve Jobs as inspiration, we'll look backwards with the intent of finding meaning in our experiences and use that insight as a way to move forward toward the meaning we desire.

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008 Wellness Wednesday: Living a Mosaic Life

It’s Wednesday - time for a little wellness boost - a shortened episode to keep your Warrior Vibe high.
In this episode, Kathy explores a question posed by recent podcast guest, Kristie McLean:
"Are there ways you can connect your passions in unusual and creative ways so you don't walk around feeling splintered and fractured, but instead, make a beautiful mosaic of all these different things."

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007 Creating a Values-Aligned Work Portfolio with Kristie McLean

Today's guest, Kristie McLean, shares how to create a portfolio of meaningful work that aligns with your values, and in doing so, that unique combination can actually become your differentiator.

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006 Wellness Wednesday: A Mindful Moment

It’s Wednesday - time for a little wellness boost, a shortened episode that shares an insight, article or exercise to keep your Warrior Vibe high. In this episode, Kathy recalls a story of a business dinner that turned into a shared spontaneous mindful moment.

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005 Developing a Mindfulness Practice

In this episode, Kathy talks about mindfulness and how to develop a practice. Spoiler alert: It's all about relationship - deepening our experience with ourselves, our lives, the ones we love, our community and our world.

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004 Wellness Wednesday: Future Self Letter

It’s Wednesday - time for a little wellness boost, a shortened episode that shares an insight, article or exercise to keep your Warrior Vibe high. In this episode, Kathy shares a recent "Writing Toward Wellness" experience of writing a letter to her future self.

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002 A Fitness Conversation with Tiffani Hill

This episode features a conversation with fitness professional, Tiffani Hill, who describes herself as a fitness coach who helps women change their bodies so they look and feel gorgeous, in and out of their clothes. 🙂

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