008 Wellness Wednesday: Living a Mosaic Life

#008  Today is Wednesday, time for a little wellness boost - a shortened episode to keep your Warrior Vibe high.

In this episode, Kathy explores a question posed by recent podcast guest, Kristie McLean:  
"Are there ways you can connect your passions in unusual and creative ways so you don't walk around feeling splintered and fractured, but instead, make a beautiful mosaic of all these different things."

The idea of a mosaic life - a gentle approach that takes the pressure off of finding "that one thing."  A mosaic, like a puzzle, suggests play.  It feels like a wonderful invitation to allow our imaginations to wander and welcome all the pieces of ourselves.

The episode includes an exercise for gathering, curating and connecting your interests in new and interesting ways.

It doesn't happen overnight, but the more time you spend doing the things you love, the more that sacred space you're creating will expand, as will your ability to become the mosaicist of your life.

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