Posts in Athena Wellness Podcast
040 Wellness Wednesday: The Role of Stress and the Importance of Breath with Victor Briere, A.D

In this shortened Wellness Wednesday episode, Kathy is joined, once again, by Victor Briere, Ayurvedic doctor, who shares his thoughts on the role of stress in our lives and the importance of deep breathing.

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039 What is Ayurveda? with Victor Briere, A.D.

In this episode, Kathy is joined by Victor Briere, Ayurvedic doctor and the co-founder of the International Institute of Ayurveda, who shares his insights to keep our bodies in their natural state – healthy and strong.

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038 Wellness Wednesday: Thoughts on Re-emerging Post Pandemic

A recent survey found that 49 percent of adults feel uncomfortable about returning to in-person interaction when the pandemic ends. In this episode, we’ll explore three themes and three suggestions for re-engaging in a post pandemic world.

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037 What We Can Learn From Minimalism

In this episode, we’ll explore what makes us mindlessly consume and how can we increase our awareness to be more mindful of how we spend our time and money and move toward a simpler lifestyle of essential elements.

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036 Wellness Wednesday: How to Keep Your Creative Tank Filled with Laurie Wagner

In this shortened Wellness Wednesday episode, Kathy is joined, once again, by Laurie Wagner, writer, teacher and creator, who shares her thoughts on inviting sensuality into your life and how to keep your creative tank filled.

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034 Wellness Wednesday: Writing Toward Integrity

In this shortened Wellness Wednesday episode, Kathy shares a writing exercise she developed when she wrote The Athena Principles to welcome and embrace our hidden aspects back into our lives.

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033 Book Commentary: The Way of Integrity - Finding the Path to Your True Self by Dr Martha Beck

In this episode, Kathy shares her thoughts on Dr. Martha Beck’s new book, The Way of Integrity - Finding the Path to Your True Self, which outlines a four-state process for self-realization.

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032 Wellness Wednesday: Well-being in the Workplace with Karen Delk

In this shortened Wellness Wednesday episode, Kathy is joined by Karen Delk, Fortune 500 executive coach, who shares her thoughts on work/life balance and keeping well in the workplace.

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031 How the Pandemic Has Shaped Corporate America with Karen Delk

In this episode, Kathy is joined by Karen Delk, a Fortune 500 executive coach, who shares the impact 2020 has had on the business world, corporate culture and individual career growth.

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030 Wellness Wednesday: Creating a Simple Wellness Plan

In this shortened Wellness Wednesday episode, Kathy shares how to create a simple wellness plan using The Athena Principles framework. The show concludes with a final check-in with Dr. Robyn on the progress made on the Gentle Spring Reset introduced in Episode 22.

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029 Turning Wellness Challenges into Wins

In this episode, Kathy shares three wellness turning points, lessons learned and a simple way to define a current challenge, reframe it as an opportunity, and create a path forward.

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028 Wellness Wednesday: Keeping a Creative Notebook

In this shortened Wellness Wednesday episode, Kathy shares how to capture creative stirrings so you always have a wellspring of inspiration. The show concludes with a check-in with Dr. Robyn on the progress made on the Gentle Spring Reset introduced in Episode 22.

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027 Creativity as a Wellness Practice

In this episode, Kathy shares another important component of holistic well-being, creative living, which is as critical to wellness as nutrition, movement and rest. By the end of this episode, I hope you’ll consider making creativity part of your wellness plan so you can be well by filling your creative well.

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026 Wellness Wednesday: How to Fall Back to Sleep During a Restless Night

In this shortened Wellness Wednesday episode, Kathy shares how to fall back to sleep when you find yourself tossing and turning in the middle of the night. The show concludes with a check-in with Dr. Robyn on the progress made on the Gentle Spring Reset introduced in Episode 22.

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025 The Power of Rest

In this episode, Kathy shares the importance of rest, the link between rest and productivity and how to make space for rest with restorative and soothing practices.

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024 Wellness Wednesday: How to Fall in Love with Your Exercise Routine

In this shortened Wellness Wednesday episode, Kathy shares fun, creative ways to fall in love with moving your body and up your feel-good vibe. The show concludes with a check-in with Dr. Robyn on the progress made on the Gentle Spring Reset introduced in Episode 22.

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023 Why is Functional Training So Important?

#023 In this episode, Kathy shares how you can stop doing exercise you dread. There are lots of ways to stay healthy and fit as you age and get the recommended 150 to 300 minutes of movement each week. Here's how...

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022 Wellness Wednesday: An Invitation to a Gentle Spring Reset

In this shortened Wellness Wednesday episode, Kathy is joined once again by Dr. Robyn McIntyre and invite the listening audience to join them in making small, positive adjustments to their wellness routines to mindfully welcome the new season.

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021 A Wellness Conversation with Dr. Robyn McIntyre

#021 In this episode, Kathy welcomes Dr. Robyn McIntyre, a New Zealand and Australian trained family physician with more than 30 years of experience. Dr. Robyn is a proponent of lifestyle medicine, which means using the way we live as a means of preventing and treating disease.

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