Posts tagged habit building
158 Wellness Wednesday Vancast: Small Steps, Big Strides

In this shortened Wellness Wednesday episode, Kathy shares a recent wellness win at CrossFit that felt unattainable just a few months prior and the small, consistent steps she took to make it happen. She then invites you to bring an end-result to mind and work with five questions to help focus you on creating a path of continual progress and momentum.

If you’ve been looking for a way to move toward an elusive goal, this is the episode for you.

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114 Wellness Wednesday: An Intention Setting Exercise with Jill Thiry

In this shortened Wellness Wednesday episode, Kathy is joined, once again, by Jill Thiry, the founder of Club Change, a virtual accountability group. In this episode, Kathy turns the mic over to Jill, who talks us through one of her Club Change intention exercises. Kathy does the exercise in real time and shares the surprising results!

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113 Inviting Change as a Wellness Practice with Jill Thiry

In this episode, Kathy is joined by Jill Thiry, the founder of Club Change, a virtual accountability group, who discusses how to embrace change and the power of aligning intentions with practices to create a meaningful life.

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101 Everyday Life as Mindfulness Practice with Kristen Manieri

In this episode, Kathy is joined by Kristen Manieri, author, podcaster, mindfulness teacher and coach who shares insight on how to live a more conscious, connected and intentional through mindfulness.

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