067 How to Reinvent Yourself with Kristin Duffy

Have you ever thought about making a life change but felt that it was too late for you?  Perhaps you’ve set aside the dreams you had when you were younger…. Or maybe you’ve just fallen into a comfortable life groove.

Our guest today, Kristin Duffy, is all about inspiring women to start the second (or third or fifth) chapters of their lives no matter their age.  Kristin is an actor and artistic director of Slackline Productions, a production company she founded to create meaningful roles for women over 35 – as writers, directors and characters in the stories they present.

We cover a range of topics including:

  • Kristin’s own reinvention, from working in corporate to becoming an actor

  • What it was like to relocate from the US to the UK

  • The importance of telling stories of reinvention

We end this episode with our Dose of Inspiration segment, where Kristin shares some of the things that are lighting her up these days.  And as always, I'll put links to those items and Kristin's website in the show notes.

I think you’ll walk away from this episode reinvigorated inspired in being reminded that it’s never too late to start over.


Slackline Productions

The Second Chapter podcast

Beyond Sixty documentary

Zadie Smith books

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