083 Sailing Into Deep Waters with Paul Trammell

#083  Have you ever dreamed of leaving your current life behind to sail the tropics?  Our guest today, Paul Trammell, did just that.

Paul takes us on a story-filled journey from growing up in West Virginia, to becoming a teacher for a brief period of time before settling on the northern Florida coast as a musician and carpenter.

When Paul decided to get sober, he promised himself a one-week sailing class as a reward when he reached his one-year anniversary of sobriety.  That trip was the gateway to the life he lives today – as a writer and sailor, living aboard his boat fulltime.

Here’s what we discuss:

  • An overview of Paul’s journey that brought him to being a full-time solo sailor;

  • The decision process to completely leave his old life behind;

  • How sobriety supported turning his dream into a reality;

  • A glimpse into the depth, presence and intentionality of the solo sailing life; and

  • What big dream is on his horizon.

Paul designed his life to align with what matters most to him:  nature, adventure, creativity and solitude. This episode is sure to give you some inspiring and practical ideas on how to redesign your life to live more wholeheartedly and turn your dream into a reality.


Paul’s website:  books, podcast

Amazon author’s page

Facebook page

Instagram account

YouTube channel

Get Real, Get Gone – sailing book

Single Handed Sailing – sailing book

The Long Way – sailing book

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