099 Vancast ’21: Kristie McLean Interviews Kathy Robinson

Since Kathy started this show, she’s had a dream of taking the podcast on the road, visiting guests on their home turf and capturing the conversation on portable equipment.

This podcast is a test run of the concept and gear.  Kristie McLean, who was featured in Episode 7, turns the mic and interviews Kathy.

Here’s what we cover:

  • The act of reinvention;

  • The twists, turns and blessings of life journeys;

  • Storytelling;

  • Lessons learned from podcast guests; and

  • The beauty and gifts of everyday life.

Stay tuned for more vancasts with a range of interesting guests in 2022!


Episode 7 – Kristie McLean

Kristie’s website

For episode materials, show notes or to submit a question for a future episode, visit: https://athenawellness.com/podcast

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