201 Wellness Wednesday Vancast: Identity Loss in Times of Career Transition

Today is Wednesday, time for a little wellness boost - a shortened episode to keep your Warrior Vibe high.

This show is a Walking the Talk Vancast, a portable episode that’s informal and casual, recorded on the go from wherever Kathy finds herself on the day of recording.

Kathy’s back from her cross-country road trip, recording the vancast on her back deck.  She’s sharing thoughts on how your identity can be impacted in times of transition, including at the end of a long career.  Then she speaks of the role grief has when ending a professional chapter.

Kathy then invites you to create an actionable roadmap to help you navigate your own transition.  If you’ve been struggling with a life or career transition, this is the episode for you!


From Type A to Type Be Course:  Course overview/sample

From Type A to Type Be Coaching:  AthenaWellness.com/coaching

Email Kathy:  hello@athenawellness.com

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