121 The Antidote for Burnout with Lauren Bell

Our guest today is coach Lauren Bell.  After 30+ years as a registered nurse and more than 15 years as a holistic therapist, Lauren now focuses her coaching practice on caring professionals and heart-centered entrepreneurs, helping them clear inner blocks to self-worth, wealth and health.

We cover a range of topics including:

  • How Lauren came to do the work she does today;

  • How she turned burnout into vitality and a coaching practice;

  • The surprising root cause of burnout and exhaustion

  • Five keys to working through personal and professional transition;

  • How mindset impacts well-being; and

  • A practice for connecting with the heart.

We end this episode with our Dose of Inspiration segment, where Lauren shares some of the things that are lighting her up these days.

This was a conversation that flowed like water and we followed its current.  In the end, we covered a lot of territory, focusing on self-acceptance and spiritual connectivity


Lauren’s website:  https://laurenbell.com.au

Book:  WolfPack 

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