162 Disruption as a Wellness Practice with Natalie Viglione

Today’s episode is about what happens when you morph and contort yourself to fit in.  It’s about how we can override what we know is best for us.  And it’s about the long journey back from separation to integration.

I’m joined today by Natalie Viglione, the creator and host of the Disrupt Now program and podcast.  Natalie began her career in sales and marketing and was very successful at her work – until it took a toll on her well-being.  She’ll share that story along with the work she does now, which is all about the transformational journey

We go deep in this conversation and here’s what we cover:

  • An overview of Natalie’s Type A to Type Be journey;

  • How she balanced 17 years as a sales exec with her intuitive self;

  • How she kept her inner flame burning while she transitioned out of corporate; and

  • What her life is like today as a healer and entrepreneur.


Natalie’s website:  https://www.natalieviglione.com

Book suggestion:  The Secret Life of Plants

Book suggestion:  Cure Your Fatigue

The Athena Wellness Academy:  https://athenawellnessacademy.teachable.com 

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