Posts tagged redesigning life
The Journey Toward Authenticity

“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you are.” That quote is attributed to Joseph Campbell. It came to mind as I was preparing a recent post for a podcast on the link between authentic living and well-being (Episode #93).

What I learned during that discussion is that it’s not about arriving at the final destination of authentic living. Rather, it’s about the journey that brings us to deeper levels of understanding of ourselves. As Victor says in the episode, “Authentic living results in true well-being when we understand how we continuously create our health profile based on our mindset, life choices and lifestyle.”

But what does it really mean to be our authentic self?

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Sailing Into Deep Waters - Part II

In the last blog post, I recounted a conversation I had with podcast guest Paul Trammell, who turned his dream of becoming a writer and sailor into a living reality (Episode #83). And he does so by intentionally designing his life to align with what matters most to him.

It’s an uncomplicated, stress-free life, but one that necessitates ongoing learning and growth. And it’s a life that is carefully curated to maximize the things that make Paul happy.

Paul recommends that we all spend some time thinking about what makes us happy and what our ideal life would look like by walking through a simple process…

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