Posts tagged CrossFit
Strong & Vital, Pt. III - The Case for CrossFit in Midlife and Beyond

We often hear about the importance of medicine for treating illness, but what about medicine for preventing it? 

In this article, we’ll explore the concept of Movement as Medicine in midlife, a proactive approach to health that focuses on enhancing cardiovascular endurance, building strength, and increasing mobility.

In our younger years, we tend to equate fitness with how we look.  But as we age, it’s more about how we feel.  What’s the difference? 

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Fitness = Independence

“I don’t want to be dependent on anyone,” says CrossFit enthusiast, Jacinto Bonilla. At first glance, it might read like an unremarkable statement, but consider this – Jacinto was born when World War II was in full swing, a gallon of gas cost 18 cents and male life expectancy was under 61 years. Today at 80 years of age, Bonilla can deadlift 300 pounds, squat 200 and keep up . . .

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CrossFit Curious at Midlife – On Ramp Introduction

At the end of my last blog post, I mentioned that I was heading to my local CrossFit box (i.e., gym) to check it out.   Yes, I’m familiar with the horror stories:  the ridiculous workouts, the crazy injuries, and mid-workout visits from “Pukey the Clown.”  Yet, for some inexplicable reason, I’ve been intrigued for a while and finally decided to give it a try.

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