Posts tagged CrossFit
Fitness = Independence

“I don’t want to be dependent on anyone,” says CrossFit enthusiast, Jacinto Bonilla. At first glance, it might read like an unremarkable statement, but consider this – Jacinto was born when World War II was in full swing, a gallon of gas cost 18 cents and male life expectancy was under 61 years. Today at 80 years of age, Bonilla can deadlift 300 pounds, squat 200 and keep up . . .

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CrossFit Curious at Midlife – On Ramp Introduction

At the end of my last blog post, I mentioned that I was heading to my local CrossFit box (i.e., gym) to check it out.   Yes, I’m familiar with the horror stories:  the ridiculous workouts, the crazy injuries, and mid-workout visits from “Pukey the Clown.”  Yet, for some inexplicable reason, I’ve been intrigued for a while and finally decided to give it a try.

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