Fitness = Independence

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“I don’t want to be dependent on anyone,” says CrossFit enthusiast, Jacinto Bonilla.  At first glance, it might read like an unremarkable statement, but consider this – Jacinto was born when World War II was in full swing, a gallon of gas cost 18 cents and male life expectancy was under 61 years.  Today at 80 years of age, Bonilla can deadlift 300 pounds, squat 200 and keep up with fellow CrossFitters less than half his age.  He participates in the CrossFit games and has a CrossFit facility in his Brooklyn backyard, training his grandsons and local athletes.

Jacinto was born in Puerto Rico, but has lived in New York City since he was six years old.  He began working out in his teenage years.  Jacinto was introduced to CrossFit in 2006 when he saw a few guys in Central Park performing a workout routine with no breaks between exercises and walked over to inquire what they were doing.  He found a CrossFit box and started training five days a week until he was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2007.  Once his treatments were completed and he was declared cancer free, Bonilla returned to his CrossFit regimen.

In 2008, when Jacinto was 69-years-old, he created a workout to celebrate his birthday and called it the Jacinto Storm.  The workout included a rep for each of his years for eight exercises totaling 552 moves:

  • 69 Double-Unders (jump rope with two passes under feet for each jump)

  • 69 Air Squats

  • 69 Push-Ups

  • 69 Pull-Ups

  • 69 Wall Ball Shots

  • 69 Kettlebell Swings

  • 69 Deadlifts

  • 69 Double-Unders

Each year since, Jacinto completes the workout on his birthday for time and adds a rep each year.  When he turned 80, he completed a total of 640 moves (80 repetitions times 8 exercises).  He plans to continue the tradition each year.  Jacinto believes it’s essential to move your joints and exercise your muscles as you age.

I couldn’t agree more.  I’ve been known to create my own “storm” workouts on my birthday, usually on the trails running courses like “The Hill,” a local trail Tiki Barber trained on the year he had his best season as a running back with the NY Giants.

I’m a recent CrossFit enthusiast, but Jacinto has inspired me to create my own workout to complete on my birthday each year.  I’m not quite sure which exercises it will entail, but I like the idea of a trail run/CrossFit workout combo.   I have until mid-May to decide on the design.

Journal Reflections:  Do you have a birthday fitness routine or tradition?  If so, how might you challenge yourself to reach new heights in the coming year?  If not, what might a birthday fitness routine look like for you?