103 Wonder as a Wellness Practice

What do you think about when you hear the word wonder?  Maybe it takes you back to when you were a kid or a moment in time that stopped you in your tracks.  Perhaps it was an experience that you couldn’t explain but left you feeling inspired.

Two books were recently released on the topic of wonder:  Tracking Wonder, Reclaiming a Life of Meaning and Possibility in a World Obsessed with Productivity by Jeffrey Davis and Wonder Seeker, 52 Ways to Wake Up Your Creativity and Find Your Joy by Andrea Scher, wonderful reminders that after months of pandemic uncertainty, wonder still exists in every moment.  That’s what we’ll explore today.

We'll cover:

  • An overview of both books;

  • Why wonder is an important element of wellness; and

  • Practices to ignite your sense of wonder.

Having two books about wonder published at the same time at this point in our collective history is heartening.  It feels reassuring that there is a gathering of sorts, a collective of human souls that still believes that hope, possibility and wonder abound.


Book:  Wonder Seeker by Andrea Scher

Book:  Tracking Wonder by Jeffrey Davis

Article:  Can Awe Boost Health?

For episode materials, show notes or to submit a question for a future episode, visit: https://athenawellness.com/podcast

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