Posts tagged habits
Small Steps, Big Strides

I hit a fitness milestone at CrossFit a few weeks back. Part of the workout that day included five sets of seven burpee to pull-up moves. That means hitting the floor with your hands in an all-out sprawl, chest to ground and then using the momentum of the push-up to jump your feet back into a squat position. From there, you spring up, grab an overhead bar and perform a jumping pull-up before jumping back down and repeating the exercise for the required number of reps.

Why am I sharing this? Because before I turned 58-years-old, I couldn’t even dream of pulling myself up once, never mind 35 times in a workout as I did that day. So what changed? Consistent small steps…

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Recalibrating Your Habits

In a recent podcast, I recounted the story of participating in a February virtual workshop where I had quite a realization. I had my notebook on my lap and without much conscious thought, I wrote this phrase: My current habits are not aligning with who I want to become.

That surprised me because I’ve been quite diligent designing my habits with the intended outcome in mind, especially since the pandemic began. But I’m beginning to see that what sustained me throughout these last two years will not support me going forward.

Life has begun to shift once again and even though it’s toward the positive, it’s still change. Our work life, home life, day-to-day routine, how we socialize and travel are all in various states of transformation. As are we.

So it makes sense to move from habits that helped us cope and sustain our daily existence to ones that will help us grow and thrive today and in the future.

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