Posts tagged New Year resolutions
A Unique Way to Plan for 2025

The new year can offer many things, such as a blank slate, a fresh start, or a chance to reinvent yourself.  Perhaps you’d like to set a few intentions, but the thought of traditional goal setting is unappealing and makes you feel stressed.  This year, consider a different approach, one that connects you with your future self, aligning your actions with your deepest desires and wildest dreams.

So how do we set intentions in a way that’s inspiring and taps into inner wisdom and values?  The answer is with the future self planning process.

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Cultivating a Thriving Lifestyle: The Intuitive Wellness Approach

If you’re like me, you’ve likely invested countless hours exploring various health philosophies and regimens.  While experimentation is a valuable part of the journey, it's crucial to remember that the goal of any wellness protocol is not perfect adherence – it’s to enhance life.  True well-being includes physical, mental, and emotional health.  It's about finding a balance that works for you, rather than strictly following a prescribed set of rules.

Intuitive wellness is a holistic approach to health and well-being that emphasizes listening to your body and mind.  It encourages you to trust your inner wisdom and make choices that align with your unique needs and desires.  Rather than following rigid diet plans or exercise routines, intuitive wellness focuses on finding what works best for you and adjusting your practices, as needed.

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Reimagining Midlife Wellness, Part IX - The Plan

This is the final installment of a multi-part series on Reimagining Midlife Wellness, focusing on the importance of strengthening our vitality as we get older, especially in times of transition.  These articles will provide a framework to help you define what matters most to you at this stage of your life and ways to continue to take positive action to be well.

In Part IX of the series, we’ll put it all together and I’ll share how I utilized The Athena Principles and related practices we reviewed in these articles to create a wellness plan for 2024.

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Some Thoughts on New Year's Resolutions

Ahhh, the blank slate of a new year.  A time for looking back with appreciation, looking forward with intention, and perhaps, making New Year’s resolutions. Resolutions get a bad rap.  We’ve all seen the dire statistics of those who don’t keep resolutions past the end of January.  But many do keep them and can experience life-changing outcomes as a result.

Writer and philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson is credited with saying, “The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.”  It’s in that spirit that I want to work with New Year intentions – as a helpful tool to guide me off my well-worn path onto one more that’s more compelling, one that is truly my own.  If there’s an overall theme for me for 2023, it’s “Create Your Own Path.”

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Ebb Tides and Renewal

December is an interesting month filled with ebbs and flows. Many of us are in the middle of the holiday season filled with preparation. Perhaps we have plans to take some time off in the coming weeks. From a business perspective, many are wrapping up the quarter and the year.

It doesn’t feel like a time to start something new – which is where my Type A self thrives – in the flow. Instead, it’s more a Type Be ebb time, focused on completion, reflection and renewal.

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Planning for 2023 the 'From Type A to Type Be' Way

I love the blank slate of a brand new year. It’s a creative time to imagine what might be in the months ahead.

My process has evolved over the years, as I’ve written about in The Athena Principles, gradually shifting from goal-oriented to intention-driven planning. And that evolution is ongoing as I shift From Type A to Type Be, learning to rely less on my logical intellect and more on my intuitive heart.

I’ve been playing with ideas on how this evolution might impact how I go about planning for the upcoming new year. What does heart-based planning look like?

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