Ebb Tides and Renewal

December is an interesting month filled with ebbs and flows.  Many of us are in the middle of the holiday season filled with preparation.  Perhaps we have plans to take some time off in the coming weeks.  From a business perspective, many are wrapping up the quarter and the year.

It doesn’t feel like a time to start something new – which is where my Type A self thrives – in the flow.  Instead, it’s more a Type Be ebb time, focused on completion, reflection and renewal.

The phrase ebb and flow is defined as a rhythmical pattern of coming and going, of decline and growth, of increase and decrease, or of rise and fall.  It describes the natural cycles that are all around us – the changing seasons, the wax and wane of the moon, even the inhale and exhale of our breath.

In fact, every aspect of our lives is in some sort of continuous cycle of expansion and contraction.  Everything is comprised of energy in motion and part of a larger Universal flow.

I’m sure you can bring to mind the times when you were in flow.  It’s almost like being carried in the direction you want to go, which feels wonderfully supportive.  Doors open, planets align, things happen effortlessly.  When we’re in a good life flow, we feel like we’re moving toward something meaningful in a productive way.

And then there are the times when we experience the opposite, the feeling of ebbing.  It can feel like a struggle, as if the tide has turned against us and we need to work twice as hard to make just a little progress, if any.  Sometimes it can feel like getting caught in a rip current, taking us further from where we planned to go.

When you’re in flow, it’s easy to forget that life is cyclical and the ebb tide will come back at some point.  Conversely, when you’re held in an ebb tide, you can find comfort in the knowing that flow will most certainly return.

So how do we position ourselves to handle life’s patterns as easily as watching an ocean tide ebbing and flowing as it gently moves on and off the shore?

Here are a few things to keep in mind when you are experiencing a life ebb tide:

  • Remain calm by staying present.  Focusing on the past can keep you in a current of worry, and fixating on the future can keep you can keep you flooded in fear.  Instead, take a deep breath to center on the present knowing that you have all you need in this moment.  Repeat as often as needed.

  • Float or tread water.  Your instincts may be to fight the current, but it’s in your long-term interest to use your energy wisely on what can help you the most.  Evaluate if this is the best time to be in motion or if this time can be used to retreat a bit and allow the next step to surface in the quiet.

  • Ask for help.  What’s your equivalent of a qualified lifeguard?   Who can be your neutral sounding board?  Perhaps a therapist or coach or spiritual counselor?  Maybe you feel comfortable connecting with a support group?  And there’s always the option to go within and be open to any helpful insight.

These initial steps will provide the foundation to help you more easily recognize your natural life tides and stay open to work with them with more ease.

Once you’ve established a strong foundation and would like to go deeper, consider holding these questions, which are especially helpful if you feel like your flow has ebbed.  You can work with them in a number of ways including reflection, walking or journaling.

The questions are grouped into three categories:

  1. Reflect on the bigger picture:  What are the larger cycles and tides of which you are a part?  How might you best spend this time – listening, learning, practicing self-compassion, slowing down, getting specific on life vision?  How might you discover the lessons and learnings of this time?  What brought you to this place?  What changes would you like to make?  How can you get ready for flow to return?  What’s the best way to clear what might be blocking its way and release what no longer serves?

  2. Identify one gratifying activity:  Now that you have an idea of where you are and where you’d like to go once the tide turns, what is calling you to that general direction?  How can you begin to explore its essence?  How can you invite beauty and joy into your life today?  How might you invite more ease, positivity and perspective?

  3. Rely or recommit to your wellness practices:  How can you honor your well-being to offset the push and pull of life tides that can wear you down?  What self-care practices will best serve you to help you reflect, rest, recover, revitalize and regenerate?  What will help you stay faithful, enjoy this time, and trust the return of life flow?

If you get one takeaway from this blog, I hope it’s this:  The time we spend in an ebb tide is not wasted time but one of wisdom, growth and learning.  You can envision this precious time as an investment – one that renews your relationship with yourself, your loved ones and the world.  After all, it’s actually the ebb that creates the flow.

Journal Reflections:  How do your emotions and mental outlook shift when you’re in an ebb tide?  What can you learn from these natural retreat cycles?  How might you use this time as renewal?