191 Finding Purpose in Transition with Ellen Rothstein

One of the pleasures of hosting this podcast is speaking with those who use personal experience to teach others how to navigate the ups and downs of the life journey.  It’s even more powerful when this journey happens over a period of time so we, as listeners, can learn from the twists and turns and unmarked paths our guests have sometimes found themselves on.

Kathy is joined today by coach, Ellen Rothstein, who guides her clients through life transitions by creating customized, actionable strategies.  Ellen believes in tapping into her client’s inner wisdom to create a positive vision for their next phase of life and guiding them toward that vision.

Here’s what we cover:

  • An overview of the transition journey;

  • The impact of identity loss when navigating transition;

  • Common life transition struggles and strategies to address them;

  • How to dream big in the second half of life; and

  • The importance of self-care during times of change.



Ellen’s website:  www.ellenrothstein.com

Ellen’s email:  ellen@ellenrothstein.com

Matthew Walker book:  Why We Sleep

The Athena Wellness Academy:  https://athenawellnessacademy.teachable.com


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