Posts tagged social re-emergence
The Path of Social Re-emergence

A few weeks ago, a friend reached out coordinate dinner at a new restaurant. My immediate reaction when I read the text was No! My response was so visceral that it gave me pause. This is a group of good friends whose company I’ve missed. What was going on?

The next day, I accepted the invitation and the five of us did have dinner last week. It was a perfect night to dine al fresco. As we were getting settled at the table, one of my friends casually asked, “What’s new?”

It took me longer than usual to gather my thoughts to that simple question. After a long pause I said, “Everything… And nothing.” She laughed and said, “I know exactly what you mean.”

It’s that kind of bewilderment that my friends, clients and colleagues have been describing - this sense that our social muscles have atrophied after a few years of being asocial. So, what’s the path of re-emergence?

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