Posts tagged create space
Permission to Dream Big

How do you begin to dream bigger?  It can be helpful to revisit the past by spending some quiet time reflecting on your journey.  You can do this by thumbing through old journals or pictures.  Think of it as research (or me-search).  Look for the decision points and actions you’ve taken along the way.  As you connect the dots of major life events, you’ll see how you’ve naturally set intentions throughout your life and then taken steps to create your own path in that general direction.

As we mature, we can fall into a dreamless groove, thinking we’re too old or have too many responsibilities to focus on steps toward the life of our dreams.  Here are seven ideas to be more intentional and get some dream momentum going…

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How to Create Space in Your Life

Last month, I cleared boxes of outdated financial files.  They had accumulated over the years in my basement, neatly boxed and labeled. I shredded them over a number of days, bagged up the output, and took a carload to the recycling center.  When I got home, I was amazed at how light I felt.  Why?  Because I created space for the new by clearing out the old.

It took me a while but I finally realized what I was really sorting through when I cleared those boxes:  old habits, my history and outdated dreams.  It was all a reminder that the past was gone and I was mindfully creating space to move forward toward something new.

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