Posts tagged Well-being
The Athena Principles: Book Overview (First in a Series)

The core message of the book The Athena Principles: Simple Wellness Practices for Overworked Professionals is: Reconnecting to our mind, body and spirit through the exploration of five Principles (self-compassion, intention, consistency, positive mindset and accountability) and related practices (writing, meditation and positive action) leads to wholehearted living and optimized well-being. Readers will learn what living wholeheartedly means for them along with ideas to create a customized self-care plan that nourishes their deepest desires.

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Lessons Learned from My 98-year-old Father’s COVID-19 Recovery

My father was born in 1922. When my mother passed a few years back, he decided it was time to sell his home and move into an (un)assisted living facility. Aside from some industrial deafness and impaired sight from macular degeneration, he is remarkably spry in both mind and body and strong in spirit. And last month, he tested positive for the coronavirus.

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How to Keep Well-being Intact During Challenging Times

Much has been written about the importance of keeping a daily schedule while learning to live with coronavirus restrictions. Almost overnight, we had to find ways of working remotely, schooling children, caring for elders and tending to family responsibilities while abiding by the guidance for keeping ourselves and our loved ones safe.

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Gardens of Ease

It’s been said that nature heals. Studies and related findings point to the benefits of spending time in natural surroundings, including lowered anxiety and stress levels. Nature-oriented therapy is a growing field (pun intended) with the use of therapeutic gardens in institutional settings such as hospitals, recovery and correctional facilities on the rise.

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