The Athena Principles: Book Overview (First in a Series)

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The core message of the book The Athena Principles: Simple Wellness Practices for Overworked Professionals is: Reconnecting to our mind, body and spirit through the exploration of five Principles (self-compassion, intention, consistency, positive mindset and accountability) and related practices (writing, meditation and positive action) leads to wholehearted living and optimized well-being.  Readers discover what living wholeheartedly means for them along with ideas to create a customized self-care plan that nourishes their deepest desires.

What’s the significance of Athena? 

Athena was the Greek goddess of reason, intellect and art.  Although she carried a spear and shield to signify strength, Athena was also considered the most intelligent and wisest of the Greek gods. She was said to be a savvy strategist and innovator and often pictured with an owl on her shoulder depicting her wisdom and near an olive tree, a symbol of peace and hope. She was a patron of the arts and, according to some sources, known for her generosity and compassion, as well as her ability to give courage to those in need of that trait.

Athena represents the perfect balance between left-brain logic and objectivity and right-brain intuition and creativity. She was independent, unapologetically herself, and fully owned her power – traits busy professionals can bypass.

You may be called upon to run a household, manage your career, care for elders, and see to the needs of your partner and family.  Somewhere in the execution and busyness, your own needs and desires can get buried until you lose touch with yourself.

This book outlines a holistic, integrated approach to create a lifestyle of principled practices and actions that will help you discover and reprioritize yourself, and to align who you are in the world with your deepest self.  It’s an invitation to reimagine the midlife experience.

In subsequent blog posts, I will outline key concepts from the book, including The Athena Principles framework and methodology as well as the five Principles designed to:

·       Cultivate self-compassion and self-acceptance (Principle 1)

·       Use intention to clarify your heart-based “Why” behind transformation (Principle 2)

·       Stay committed, consistent and engaged in the process (Principle 3)

·       Implement a growth mindset as an accelerator (Principle 4)

·       Create an ongoing feedback loop of modification and celebration (Principle 5).

I will also introduce simple wellness practices, such as writing, meditation and positive action, that will help you tap into your inner knowing in a way that can reshape your life.

Sharing this message and these practices could not be more timely.  Our personal and professional worlds have been suddenly upended.  We are experiencing high levels of stress due to the uncertainty of our future – individually and collectively.  We are being asked to address topics like human dignity, acceptance and equality.  We are looking for answers and I believe those answers begin by looking within.  It is my hope that the wellness suggestions and practices I will share will serve as medicine for these times.

Just like Athena, I believe you already have the strength and wisdom for the journey ahead.  I look forward to sharing the book with you through blogs posted on the 1st and 15th of each month.  You can sign-up for blog alerts at

Journal Reflections:  What does wellness mean to you currently?  How might Athena serve as an archetype for you?  How does health and wellness impact your ability to be an engaged positive force in our changing world?

Book Announcement:  The paperback and eBook version of The Athena Principles, Simple Wellness Practices for Overworked Professionals is available on Amazon.  The audiobook will be available later this month.  Feedback shared via Amazon reviews is much appreciated!