Mid-Year Refresh – A Well-being Check-in

Six months have passed since we rang in 2024 and a perfect time for a little mid-year reflection, the practice of intentionally reviewing your experiences, thoughts and feelings.

I often recommend the practice of reflection because it’s simple and easy – there’s no way to get it wrong.  It’s also a wonderful way to enhance your self-awareness by using the insights from your learning and growth to navigate your future with more wisdom and ease.

The reason why reflection is so powerful at the beginning or midpoint of the calendar year is it helps you make meaning of your experiences by allowing time to absorb a deeper understanding of your needs and desires.  It refocuses your life directionally by highlighting activities and experiences that:

  • Enhance your energy that should be prioritized; and

  • Decrease your energy that should be reassessed.

This practice also offers a lot of flexibility.  You can create a reflection ritual that includes a dedicated time, space and method.  But you can also experience impactful contemplative insights in any intentional space where you can focus without distraction.  This includes walking, driving, journaling, meditating and even having a deep conversation with a friend or mentor.

My mid-year refresh took less than 30 minutes.  Here’s how I approached it:

  • I took my journal outside early one morning and made a bulleted list of questions that could be answered in a few words;

  • After taking a few deep breaths to ground myself, I closed my eyes and mentally reviewed each of the last 6 months like a highlight reel, noting significant experiences; and

  • I made notes for each of the questions (listed below), paying particular attention to the next six months.

The entire process felt affirming and the output was actionable.  Here’s what I learned:

  • The more time I spend on activities and experiences that are meaningful for me, the more fulfilling my life feels.

  • The more present I feel in my days, the less busy I am and, paradoxically, the productive I become (i.e., everything I set out to do is accomplished).

  • New things are born in emptiness. It’s a discerning practice to hold that space.

  • For the next six month, I will continue to work where I feel aligned and in life’s flow.

Here are three steps you can take to perform your mid-year refresh:

  1. Create your own highlight reel:

o   Close your eyes and mentally review the year to date.  Page through your journal, scroll through your pictures or flip back through your calendar, if that helps.

o   Note the times when you felt:

-  Positively aligned, such as connected, in flow, renewed, blessed or in celebration;

-  Challenged, such as regret, disappointment, hurt or going against the grain;

-  Part of a significant experience;

-  Unexpected longing or desire; and;

-  Part of making a lasting memory.

 2. Reflect back and consider these questions:

o   What did I learn about myself, especially what I’m drawn to and enjoy?

o   Where did I feel “less than” and how can I work with that feeling?

o   Did I feel fulfilled personally and professionally?

o   What can I release?

3.    Reflect forward to the next six months and work with these prompts:

o   How can I bring more enjoyment to my mind, body and spirit?

o   What would I like to learn and experience?

o   How can I enjoy the remaining seasons?

o   What course corrections feel nurturing and enhance inner peace?

And here’s a bonus step that’s focused on your big adventurous dream:

o   If I had to describe my ultimate life dream in a few words, what would they be?

o   What’s one thing I can do in the next six months to better define it?  (Note: It might be as simple as setting up Pinterest board or journaling about it.  These low risk actions are the first steps in achieving life-long dreams.)

Once you go through the process, take a deep breath and feel the insights settle inside you.  The remaining months of the year offer a fresh perspective, a chance to integrate your learnings and move forward with the benefit of that wisdom.

Approach the remainder of the year with a sense of curiosity and an openness to course correct where needed.  Doing so can have quite an impact on your holistic well-being and make the next turn of the calendar empowering instead of daunting.

Journal Reflections: How has your year unfolded so far? What would you like less of? What are you inviting in for the remainder of the vision?