167 Wellness Wednesday Vancast: Ebb Tides and Renewal

Today is Wednesday, time for a little wellness boost - a shortened episode to keep your Warrior Vibe high.

This show is a Walking the Talk Vancast, a portable episode that’s informal and casual, recorded on the go from wherever Kathy finds herself on the day of recording.

Kathy’s by the hearth again today, using her van recording set-up for a fireside chat.  She’s sharing some thoughts on the ebb and flow of natural life cycles, how to handle these patterns, and what to keep in mind when you’re experiencing a life ebb tide.

Kathy then invites you to create a strong foundation to work with your life ebbs and flows and then go deeper.  She shares a series of questions for you to consider and hold.  If you feel like your life flow has ebbed, this is the episode for you.


From Type A to Type Be Coaching:  AthenaWellness.com/coaching

Email Kathy:  hello@athenawellness.com

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