Posts tagged solitude
Connecting with Inner Wisdom

One of my favorite wellness practices was unexpectedly born out of the pandemic restrictions in March 2020. In the early days of lockdown, I made it a point to walk outside on the trails that are near my home each day. I have kept up that practice each spring through fall and look forward to the first walks of 2022 in the coming weeks.

While I love to hike with others, my daily walks are mine alone by choice. It’s a way for me to practice deep listening – to the natural world and to myself. In doing so, I find I’m more surefooted when the uncertainty of change swirls around me. The more I walk in silence, the more I trust the guidance I receive. The more trustworthy the guidance, the more faith I have in my next step.

These walks rejuvenate me. Nature reminds me that the world is perfect just as it is and there’s an underlying rhythm and seasonality to all life, including mine. These walks remind me to keep my senses acute and my perspective broad. They remind me to be present and allow “what is” in this moment.

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