Posts tagged a new start
A New Year's Invitation

Every year, I write a New Year’s blog, trying to put a new spin on using the impetus of a fresh start. In 2019, it was about choosing a theme for the year (A Clean Slate). In 2020, the focus was bringing more lovingkindness into the new year (Metta for a New Decade). And last year was about surrendering and allowing the year to unfold (Holding the Empty Space).

I like this evolution. For decades, I was very disciplined about my New Year’s resolutions – continuously striving to get better and achieve big goals. These days, just typing that sentence sends me back to adrenaline spikes and never-ending fatigue. Maybe it’s the season of life I find myself in or the perspective a few years of global upheaval can bring, but a kinder, gentler approach seems appropriate.

Do you feel this way, too?

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