Living a Mosaic Life


I recently had a conversation with Kristie McLean, a multi-media documentarian, coach and global advocate, who shared an alternative approach for those who may have felt frustrated by past, well-meaning career advice to “follow their passion.”  Kristie recommends welcoming all interests into your work by exploring activities you enjoy and creating a values-aligned portfolio.

When she was creating her own portfolio many years ago and exploring themes running through her numerous passions, she asked herself this question:  “Are there ways you can connect your passions in unusual and creative ways so you don’t walk around feeling splintered and fractured, but instead, make a beautiful mosaic of all these different things?”

I love the idea of a mosaic career.  In fact, I love the idea of a mosaic life.  The word mosaic traditionally means to use tiny parts to create a whole image or object.  But the word originates from a Greek term meaning “to muse.”  In other words, to reflect or meditate, to be absorbed in thought, to wonder and dream.

I applaud those who know what they want to do early in their lives and never waver from that path.  But for the rest of us, a mosaic life is such a gentle approach that takes the pressure off of finding “that one thing.”  A mosaic, like a puzzle, suggests play.  It feels like a wonderful invitation to allow our imaginations to wander amongst the things we love and welcome all the pieces of ourselves – the broader and more diversified, the better.

If a mosaic approach sounds intriguing, I recommend a three-part process that I’ve found to be effective:  Gather, Curate and Connect:

  • Gather:  This is the fun part when you get to collect all of your interests.  They can be like clues or insights - in the form of words, values, images, sayings, lyrics, poems or quotes.  You can recall times when you felt a sense of meaning and got lost in time.  Maybe there are favorite books, blogs, movies, podcasts or just times when you felt moved by something or someone.  The things on your list don’t need to make sense nor do they need to have the potential to earn money.  They just need to be things that stir you in some way.

  • Curate:  Next, highlight the items on your initial list that you feel completely drawn toward at this time.  You can keep the full list for later reference, but for now, whittle down your list as if curating an art collection, creating space so you can begin to honor and work with the items that are most enticing.

  • Connect:  Lastly, think of the type of life you’d like to live, or continue living, which may include how to be of service or provide value in a new way.  With that as a backdrop, begin to look for themes in your curated list.  This may take experimentation over time to shape, tinker and make some order out of the list.

Here's how to put all of this into action:  Select one thing from your list and take a small step toward it.  You can do some research or schedule a bit of time to be in that space with all your heart.  The idea is to spend time doing something that increases your energy, allows you to lose yourself for a bit, and makes you feel great once you’re done.

You may find, as I do, that if you do this routinely, your mood will elevate and you’ll naturally begin to spend more time doing the things you love.  It doesn’t happen overnight, but the more you enjoy this time, the more this sacred space you’re creating will expand, as will your ability to become the mosaicist of your life.

Journal Reflections:  If money, time and family support were no object, how would you enjoy spending your time each day?  What is the one thing you would like to spend time doing for the pure enjoyment of it?  How might you take one step toward it?