Life Beyond the Ladder, Part II - Preparation

Breaking free from the traditional career template takes preparation.  Having a plan helps ensure a smooth transition once the decision is made and alleviates the anxiety about what lies ahead.  But planning can also be your key to unlocking the full potential of this enlivening opportunity.

The landscape of work has changed dramatically.  Technology, changing norms, and a newfound emphasis on flexibility all invite meaningful contribution beyond the confines of a traditional nine to five job.  Today, it’s easier than ever to leverage your skills and experience to pursue work that aligns with your passions and purpose, while making an impact.

For professionals who have spent decades building a successful career, this shift can be both thrilling and daunting.  So let’s explore some tools and strategies to navigate this exciting transition.

Strategy #1 – A Journey of Self-Discovery

Before you can chart a new course forward, you need to know your current location.  Life beyond the ladder is an opportunity to rediscover what matters most to you and how to incorporate those things going forward.  We do a lot of this unearthing in the Blueprint for Designing Your Soulful Post-Corporate Life masterclass, and here are a few questions to get you started:

  • Who do I find inspiring and why?

  • What energizes and engages me?

  • What are my non-negotiables?

  • What matters to me at the deepest level and why?

  • What avenues are available to me now where I can explore further?

Strategy #2 – Ways to Contribute

The traditional career path isn’t your only means of contribution and fulfillment.  Today’s work landscape offers a variety of innovative ways to add value while building a meaningful life.  Here are a few avenues to begin to explore:

  • Research options that align to your interests and skills, including freelancing, consulting, remote work, entrepreneurship, non-profits, volunteering, learning a trade, education, part-time work and the creative arts.

  • Network one-on-one, in online communities, and at industry events and conferences.

  • Take an online course or work with a coach to explore and strategize next steps.

Strategy #3 – Cultivate Your Well-being

Nurturing your holistic wellness is a crucial step in crafting a life beyond the ladder.  Here are some areas to revisit and enhance:

  • Body:  Leverage the gift of time flexibility to find new ways to incorporate food that fuels your body, movement that builds strength and aerobic capacity, and a sleep schedule that supports you throughout this transition.

  • Mind:  Determine the best way forward by connecting with your inner wisdom.  Find activities that cultivate inner peace and clarity, such as a quiet mindfulness or movement practice, to sense what’s most beneficial for you at this time.

  • Spirit:  Inner well-being is about a deeper sense of meaning and purpose.  Find ways to connect with something larger than yourself, be it nature, a cause you believe in, or a deeper relationship with yourself or others.

What these strategies have in common is they help you align with your inner compass, leading to greater life satisfaction and engagement in your work, ultimately fostering a more fulfilling life beyond the ladder.  The key to this journey of self-discovery is experimenting and finding what sparks a sense of joy, connection, and meaning in your life.

If you need a little help uncovering what might fuel your sense of purpose, here’s a coaching exercise that can bring new insight:

  1. Identify Flow Moments:  Bring to mind a time when you felt genuinely engaged and satisfied.  Can you think of several other times when you felt the same?  Note the activities you were doing and how they made you feel.

  2. Zoom Out:  Examine your list and look beyond the specific activities to identify the broader themes.  What core values did this experience activate?  Perhaps it was creativity, influence or compassion.  Also consider what problem you love to solve and the impact you’d like to have.  How could these elements translate to a new work environment?  Would it be fast-paced and collaborative or quiet and independent?

  3. Take One Step:  Begin to research roles, ventures and projects that align with your newfound sense of purpose.  Have fun mixing and matching your skillset and aspirations in new ways.

Are you ready to embark on this paycheck to purpose-driven adventure? Start by taking action today. Explore your options, develop a plan, and embrace the possibilities that await you!

Journal Reflections: What is most exciting about life beyond the ladder?  How can you begin to shape  a post-corporate life plan?  What’s one thing you can do today to start the preparation process?