Getting Old is Optional


Last year at this time I was getting ready to run my first ultramarathon.  It was the culmination of three years of training for endurance cycling and running events.  In 2019, I decided to focus on boot camp workouts and shorter trail runs.  A few weeks ago, I began thinking about my next wellness challenge.  I wanted something on the horizon to keep me enthusiastic through the upcoming dark winter months.  But what?

I stumbled upon an inspirational story of Ernestine “Ernie” Shepherd.  In 2010, Ernie was the oldest competitive female bodybuilder in the world, according to the Guinness Book of World Records.  As of this writing, Ernie is 83.  While she no longer competes, she still “lives to inspire senior women to reach their physical potential.”  Ernie works out, is a certified personal trainer at her local gym, and gives motivational speeches.

One glance at the photos on her website ( and you’ll see a beautiful, vibrant woman looking you in the eyes, inviting you to join her.  It’s clear that she lives by her mantra, “Determined – Dedicated – Disciplined to Be Fit,” which is also the title of her 2016 book.

What I find most inspiring about Ernie’s story is that she never worked out and ate junk food until she was 56-years-old.  Her motivation came in the form of a reality check while shopping with her sister.  Looking at their reflections while trying on bathing suits, they vowed to get in shape and joined a gym.

In the 27 years since she began working out, Ernie has never been injured and does not take medication of any sort.  She credits her gradual conditioning, good nutrition, rest, positive attitude and love of family and god.

I turn 56 next year, the same age that Ernie was when she started weightlifting.  With that in mind, I have an appointment at my local CrossFit box to check out their offerings next week.  When I grow up, I want to be just like Ernie!

Journal Reflections:  Who inspires you?  What is motivating you as winter approaches?  How can you incorporate lessons from your role model into your fitness aspirations?