Your story is just beginning.

Support and tools to craft a fulfilling post-corporate life.

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Longing for more than the corner office?

5 Questions to Explore a Soulful Second Chapter will ignite your imagination and help you create a more fulfilling next life chapter.

     Are you ready for life after your corporate career ends?

    Many plan for their financial future but few plan for their future life.

    You may be surprised to find it’s not as simple as turning the page. As a result, it’s not unusual to feel lost, confused or without purpose. And this disengagement can have a negative impact on your mental and physical health.

     The key to finding happiness and purpose is to reimagine life so it’s aligned with your deepest desires. But the path forward is not always apparent.

    What if you had a capable guide to show you the way?


    Hi, I’m Kathy

    When I ended my 30+ year corporate career to start my own business, I developed what I thought was a solid plan for my future. But a few months later, I realized I was in a deep transformative process. And I vividly recall feeling the need for guidance and support throughout my reinvention. This experience shaped the work I do today.

    The post-corporate journey invites you to live in a brand new way, one of your own choosing. It’s about learning to rely less on the left-brain logical reasoning that made you a success in the past and more on developing trust in your right-brain inner wisdom.

    This is the journey from head to heart, From Type A to Type Be.


    I feel so much more prepared to for retirement. I am not as afraid of it as I was. When I look back in my journal I am blown away by all the amazingly useful tools you have given me and am beyond excited about what the future holds for me.

    —Geraldine W.


    …to reignite, reimagine, and reinvent your next life chapter.



    Design Your Ideal Life

    This 30 minute masterclass and accompanying workbook will help you strategically design a life you love.

    Signature Course

    Live A Life You Love

    From Type A to Type Be is an online course that helps you descend the professional ladder and invite what’s next.

    One-on-One Support

    Stay Motivated

    1:1 coaching and mentoring provides guidance and accountability as you navigate your personal transformation.


    Get Inspired

    In her long-form videos, Kathy helps you embrace midlife transitions by reimagining life, connecting with your true desires, and mindfully creating the life of your dreams.

    This latest short explores post-corporate identity loss and the opportunities that arise in life beyond the professional ladder.

    Want more?  Subscribe to stay apprised of the latest Athena Wellness videos, podcasts and blogs:


      Listen to The Athena Wellness Podcast


      Listen to the first episode and meet your host, Kathy Robinson, coach, wellness expert and the author of The Athena Principles, Simple Wellness Practices for Overworked Professionals, as she shares:

      • A bit of her story by way of introduction

      • The significance of Athena

      • A simple practice to connect with your own Warrior Spirit

      If you'd like to join our circle and never miss a weekly episode, please hit subscribe


      Listen to the latest episodes:


      Read The Athena Wellness Blog


      The Athena Principles, Simple Wellness Practices for Overworked Professionals

      • Winner: National Indie Excellence Award

      • Winner: NYC Big Book Award

      • Finalist: Next Generation Indie Book Awards

      • Finalist: Foreword Indies Book Award

      • Finalist: Wishing Shelf Book Award


      Available in paperback, eBook and audiobook