An Early Spring

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Spring seems to have arrived early in the northeastern United States.  The daffodils are about to bloom in my yard, the birds are more active and I feel an uptick in my own energy level.  The groundhog did not see his shadow and the long-term weather forecast shows no sign of snow for the next ten days.  I know we’re not out of the winter woods yet, but I’m already preparing for longer days.

These slightly brighter, warmer days are the perfect time to shift from winter’s season of reflecting and planning to spring’s attribute of taking action.  Here are five things you can begin today in anticipation of spring’s arrival:

  1. Revisit your New Year’s intentions – It’s been six weeks since the start of 2020.  Chances are you envisioned and planned to make some life changes at that time.  How are you tracking against your plans?  Do you still find these intentions engaging?  If so, keep working on them.  If not, adjust or change as needed.

  2. Realign your sleep habits – It takes some time for our internal body clocks to adjust to the additional daylight.  You may find it difficult to get a full night of sleep while taking advantage of the longer days.  Try developing or enhancing your evening routine to help power down an hour before bedtime by minimizing blue screens, skipping the afternoon caffeine boost, and reading or meditating before bed.  This will help increase sleep quality when the quantity dips.

  3. Recalibrate your diet – Find a few easy ways to lighten up your diet now in anticipation of the bounty of summer produce that’s on its way.  Drink more water, increase your fruit and vegetable intake and minimize processed foods and sugar.  You can also experiment with intermittent fasting as an easy way of reducing caloric intake and increasing energy.  As the weather warms, you can enjoy your meals outdoors by dining al fresca at home, in a park or at an outdoor café.

  4. Rethink exercise – Throw open your door and get outside!  Walk, run, hike, bike, or prepare the garden beds.  Spend as much time as you can in the fresh air and sunshine.  Watch the sun rise and set, meditate, read and write.  Absorb as much Vitamin D as you can.

  5. Reassess your stuff – Put that extra energy to good use.  Spring clean, declutter, organize yourself and your space.  Purge your wardrobe and pack up winter clothes in exchange for summer ones.  Buy fresh flowers and open the windows to let the scent and energy of the new season into your home.

Enjoy this time of noticing the glimmers of spring.  It’s a time of rejuvenation, discovery and putting insight into action.  Just like the first green shoots of spring, you are birthing new life inside of you – what will blossom in the months ahead?

Journal Reflections:  What does the coming of spring mean to you?  How will your schedule and habits shift to take advantage of the longer days and warmer temperatures?  What might you begin now to prepare for spring’s arrival next month?