Athena as North Star

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Athena was the Greek goddess of reason, intellect, art and literature. According to Greek mythology, she was born fully grown, springing from the forehead her father, Zeus.  Known for being fierce and brave in battle, she was also principled, only engaging in war when it was in defense of state or home. Carrying spear and shield to signify strength, she also valued wisdom and is pictured quite often with an owl on her shoulder.

A life of duality is quite common amongst women in midlife.  We are called upon to run households and businesses with skill and precision.  We are expected to protect our home front while managing our careers and seeing to the needs of our families and partners.  There are times when this requires the strength and wisdom of a Greek goddess.  And somewhere in the meticulous execution, the heart can get lost.

I carried this very story for a long time, spending my adult life armed and readied to navigate life’s battles while tending to the many balls the air and agreeing to more whenever asked.  Midlife brought the opportunity to examine where and how my time was spent and the freedom, although tentative at first, to say no.

That discernment is one of the many gifts of middle age.  Along with open and honest questioning and the ability to reshape an old life into one that is creative, enlivened and tailor-made for the journey ahead.

Wellness plays a central role in the unfolding.  There are many ways to increase vitality and self-care – and each one puts the decision-making in our hands.  Are we making food choices that nourish us?  Have we moved our bodies to strengthen them in some way?  Are we granting ourselves time for proper rest? Are we taking time for ourselves in a contemplative practice?  Are we using our skills and talents creatively?

The good news is we can start anywhere and big leaps of effort are not required. Rather, this is a quiet revolution that starts deep within, unnoticeable to others at first.  You will find that small actions taken consistently re-enforced with a positive outlook will transform you and makes you strong, confident and unstoppable.  I look forward to guiding you along this journey.

Kathy Robinson