Traveling "Well"


I started this blog post while sitting in an airport lounge on an unusually quiet Monday morning, carry-on luggage by my side.  There’s a feeling of ease once the packing is done, like the decisions have been pre-made and all that’s left to do is settle in for the journey.  On the flip side, there’s a disruption to our schedule, which is good once in a while, but it can wreak havoc on fitness routines.

For the past few months I have been firing on all cylinders, attending to personal and professional commitments while training for my first ultra.  It has taken quite a time commitment to learn about endurance running and what it takes to train, fuel and replenish my body so it’s prepared for the 50K challenge.

While packing for the trip, I took a few minutes to think about what wellness choices would best serve me in the coming days.  My exercise clothes are always non-negotiable and it’s not unusual for me to be on the treadmill before 5am to ensure I meet my work commitments while on the road.

I considered the trip agenda, the training I did this past month, and the fatigue I was feeling in my legs.  In a rare reversal, I opted to leave the workout clothes at home and instead pack a stretching band, a myofascial release ball and a portable Powerdot muscle stimulator.

We all have areas of wellness where we know what we should do, but somehow those tasks fall to the bottom of the list.  I admit that stretching and hydrating are not strong points for me.

So before I boarded the plane, I set my wellness intentions:  Stretch each morning for at least a half hour; drink at least 64 oz of water each day; and bypass alcohol.  Drinking socially can lead to later bedtimes and poorer food choices.  That, in turn, can lead to mornings of brain fog and carb cravings as the cycle repeats. 

Now back home, I’m happy to say I honored my intentions, turning a potential negative ripple effect into a positive one – returning refreshed and ready to get right back to my eating and exercise routines.

Journal Reflections:  Is your wellness routine going to be disrupted in some way in the coming weeks? What intentions can you set in advance? What preparation can be done now to minimize the impact?

Kathy Robinson